Brand Design, Illustration

Juvo is a contemporary brand that reimagines the tropical sparkling water experience, bringing together the modern, the minimalistic, the inclusive, and the simple. Taking inspiration from Southeast Asia's vibrant and diverse tropical flavours.

Our range boasts four distinct flavour variants. The packaging design focuses on the colours of these exotic flavours, accompanied by vivid fruit illustrations that instantly transport customers to a fun tropical destination.

This design system informs consumers effortlessly, inviting them to savour what Juvo offers. Bold colours and typography take centre stage, radiating energy and excitement. The typography, dynamic in scale, creates a visual rhythm that's both striking and legible, even from a distance.

Our mission was simple: to create a brand identity and packaging system that tells the story and positions the brand as an invitation to explore, celebrate, and embrace the tropical paradise in a can. The tagline "Tropical Sparkling Water" encapsulates the essence of the product, making Juvo more than a beverage.


MOANE / Branding & Social